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April 2024 Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes.

Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association

 General Meeting Minutes - April 8, 2024

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM


Timothy B. provided the usual reminders regarding snacks and placing phones on vibrate. 

He then gave an overview of the meeting’s agenda.

1. Executive Board Reports

Treasurer’s Report and Updates

Lisa P. reported that the current account balance is $21,600.96. During that time the total income was $138.67.  The total expenses for the month were $305.06.

2. Committee Reports

Courtesy Committee

Deborah W. reported that 4 birthday cards were sent out. 

Beautification Committee

Timothy B. reported on cleanup efforts on Saturday, April 13 cleanup efforts on Chappell and Eason Rds..

3. Special Projects Committee

Hunter Hills Refuge Report

Timothy B. reported on the Hunter Hills Refuge event held in conjunction with Atlanta Watershed Management and the Conservation Society.

Plan A Comprehensive Design Plan

Timothy B. reported on a meeting regarding the Plan A Comprehensive design plan and informed the HHHNA of the upcoming meeting locations/times.

Historic Westside Garden Update

Rosie H. gave a report on the Westside Gardens and the resources available at the garden.  She discussed a composting initiative and invited Hunter Hills residents to participate,  She also discussed services available, including composting classes.  Interested residents in composting should let Timothy Brown,, know of their interest.

Hunter Hills News

Timothy B. reported on his meeting with Congresswoman Nikema Williams, including asking about grant opportunities and Hunter Hills neighborhood being considered when federal funds are being allocated.  He also reported on the fire at 107 Chappell Rd., which was located near the residences of several HHHNA members.  He also touched on the Community Impact Grant, the City of Refuge 285 Burbank rezoning shifting from selling Townhomes to renting Townhomes, the progress done by Design Bloc and their interviews, traffic box art progress and zoning notifications from 9Mile.  He concluded reporting on progress with CSX. 

4.  Presentations 

ATL City Council: Byron Amos

Councilman Amos joined the HHHNA and updated the community on various topics, including reiterating the importance of the Plan A Comprehensive Design plan and attend meetings, issues surrounding 1211 Boone, work done by CSX and the upcoming commercial corridor standards for Hunter Hills.  He discussed status of Code Enforcement and challenges faced by the organization.  2 Burbank, 4 Burbank, 179 Burbank and 167 Scott St. were identified as issues.  There was also a question regarding feasibility of a streetlight on 220 Troy St., the site of a recent homicide.

APD Zone 1 Commander

Lt. Taddei reported on crime in the district, including domestic incidents and a burglary on Scott St. of tools.  He also discussed APD’s summer plan, which included foot and bicycle patrols on the MLK corridor.  He discussed the court watch program, where volunteers sit in on court cases and possibly influence decisions made by judges and the citizens police academy.  He concluded by informing the HHHNA of the availability of 311, where you have something to report but you don’t necessarily have an emergency.  He explained calls go to same center, but that 911 has priority when calls arrive.  Info at    He fielded a conversation about concerns regarding congregating at the Pick N Pay (corner of Chappell and Joseph E Boone).  He also discussed the limitations around squatting enforcement.

GA State Representative: Meesha Manor

No update.

Fulton Co. Commissioner: Khadijah Abdur-Rahman

No update.

5.  Upcoming Events

Timothy B reported on the Food Pantry at Hunter Hills First Missionary Baptist Church every Wednesday, the next NPU-K meeting and upcoming beautification efforts.

The meeting ended unopposed at 7:04 PM

In attendance:

Timothy Brown

Lisa Parker

Adam Reid

Andre’a Swain

Daisy Williams

Robert Williams

Charlene Johnson

Christian Hicks

Michael Cooper

Dee Dee Montgomery

Nia Cantey 

Shaun Lain

Bobbie J.

Myzill Boyce

Byron Amos

Dana Rayside

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