Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association
General Meeting Minutes - July 8, 2024
Meeting called to order at 6:01 PM
Timothy B. provided the usual reminders regarding signing in, snacks and placing phones on vibrate.
He then gave an overview of the meeting’s agenda. And reminded neighbors of membership dues.
1. Executive Board Reports
Treasurer’s Report and Updates
Lisa P. reported that the current account balance is $32,646.15. During that time the total income was $12,022.75. The total expenses for the month were $266.00.
2. Committee Reports
Courtesy Committee
Deborah W. reported that birthday cards were sent to 6 individuals.
Beautification Committee
Timothy B. reported on the monthly cleanup taking place on Saturday, July 13th starting on Holly Rd and Andrews St. NW from 9-11am.
4. Presentations
Trails ATL Survey
Maya T provided an update on the Trails ATL survey and discussed the upcoming public meeting on Wednesday, July 17th from 6-7:30pm. She reminded members on the purpose of the survey and of the various trails and access points throughout Hunter Hills.
Five Mile Project
Members of the Five Mile Project informed the members of their efforts to install sound barriers along I-20 to mirror barriers in place along the Eastside of I-20. Background was given on why the barriers are not in place and what steps need to be taken to get them on the radar for GDOT. Signing the petition was encouraged and members from other communities are encouraged to sign as well.
HHHNA Updates
Timothy B provided updates on the following items:
Senior Lawn Care Program
The program is in the initial stages. Initial estimates are for 20 yards and a contact form is being developed to submit homes of seniors that will be in need.
Back-to-school Supply Giveaway
Reaching out to Frank L Stanton and John Lewis Academy to see how we can help. Estimate is 75 students.
Historic Hunter Hills/Mozley Park Movie Night
Saturday, September 28th from 7-10:30pm
HHHNA Signage
Target date for completion is October. Assessing costs and selecting vendor.
There are currently 2 signs in need of replacement, the goal is 2 additional signs on Northern end of Hunter Hills.
CSX Update
CSX has been responsive.
APD Zone 1 Update
Sgt. Franklin reported that part 1 crimes have 0% change between 6/10/24 and 7/10/24, down 56% in last 28 days. 1 property crime (burglary), 3 larceny from auto. Concerns around crime centered at convenience stores along Joseph E. Boone was also discussed and around recurring auto-related crime on Rockmart.
Terry Walker asked about the crime on Rockmart.
ATL City Council: Byron Amos
No update.
GA State Representative: Meesha Manor
No update.
Fulton Co. Commissioner: Khadijah Abdur-Rahman
Anthony B. from the Commissioner's office was present and noted the intent to attend more meetings.
5. Upcoming Events
Food Pantry & Clothes Closet at HHFMBC every Wednesday
NPU-K Meeting
July 16th 6:30-8pm
Open Discussion
There were no comments.
Motion to adjourn was made by Maya T. The motion was seconded by Jerry. The meeting ended unopposed at 6:45 PM
In attendance:
Timothy Brown
Maya Teague
Lisa Parker
Adam Reid
Andrea Swain
Nathan Marsh
Victoria Vighetto
Deborah Wright
Daisy Williams
Robert Williams
Anthony Benton
Damon Robertson
Bridgette Freeman
Shawn Cian
Charlene Johnson
Delfina Booth
Kyle Booth
+Skype participants