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September 2024 Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes


Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association

 General Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2024

Meeting called to order at 06:02 PM


Timothy B. provided the usual reminders regarding signing in, snacks and placing phones on vibrate. 

He then gave an overview of the meeting’s agenda and reminded neighbors of membership dues.

1. Executive Board Reports

Treasurer’s Report and Updates 

Lisa P. reported that the current account balance is $155,890.12.   During the previous period the total income was $22.75The total expenses for the month were $2,116.28.  An additional donation from the Partnership for Southern Equity grant was deposited totaling $127,500.

2. Committee Reports

Courtesy Committee

Deborah W. reported on 8 birthday cards sent out and 4 get well cards. 

Beautification Committee

Timothy B. reported on the monthly cleanup taking place on Saturday, September 21, 2024, noting the Department of Public Works’ Trash Bash ATL taking place on that day.  It will be held from 9:00-11:00 am with location being announced at a later date.

He also reported on the Community Blitz event, held in conjunction with Councilman Byron Amos and the APD.  It was an opportunity for resident to hold businesses accountable along the Joseph E. Boone corridor to code enforcement standards.

4.  Presentations 

Grant Updates

Timothy B. notified the HHHNA of the awarding of the Exposome Roadshow and Community Grant Program awarding a grant to HHHNA.  He solicited ideas of how to best use the grant in the community and mentioned the desire to use the funds to supplement projects currently in progress in the community.  He also informed the neighbors of the ways to submit their ideas for the grant.  He explained how the grant process worked and showed a timeline of the stages of the grant.

Maya T. gave background on the partnership between the HHHNA and Emory students that are the foundation of the grant.  She also solicited ideas for the grant.

Maya T. also updated on the current status of the Just Communities grant.  She informed neighbors of the next steps in the grant that will be occurring over the current month, including meeting with MARTA.

MARTA Army - Ashby Station Update

Maya T. continued a discussion from the previous month’s meeting on the renovations at the Ashby Station and informed the HHHNA of MARTA’s plan to use the lot as a contingency for a potential Five Points Station station services shut-down.

Movie Night

Timothy B. discussed the movie night taking place on Saturday, September 28 starting at 7pm and encouraged voting on social media to determine which film will be showing.

Senior/Low Income Lawn Care 

Timothy B gave an update that there were 15 seniors identified for the program and 2 have been completed.

HHHNA Updates

  • Holiday Party Committee

    • An open call for members to join the committee

  • HHHNA Halloween Gathering

    • Potential date: October 26th.  Informal gathering to be outside together in the fall.  Call for hosts.

  • Board Member Election in November

    • Nominations due next meeting in October

    • Secretary position will be open 

  • Office of the Ombudsman

    • The purpose of the office was defined and explained in relation to the HHHNA

  • Blight Tax

    • The blight tax amount was detailed

  • CDC Planning and Formation

    • Timothy B outlined his vision for the enterprise and described the need for the venture

  • Holiday Decor and Legacy Treats Schedule

    • The timeline for the holiday decor and legacy treat schedule was given

CSX Update

Details were given about a recent blockage and the work being done in conjunction with the City of Atlanta to overhaul crossings across the city.

ATL City Council: Byron Amos

Councilman Amos gave an update on the blitz as well and outlined next steps in the code enforcement process as a result of the blitz.  He also clarified the implications of the blight tax.

Contact Details:

Councilman Byron D. Amos

A question was asked about the old McLendon Hospital and the trash accumulating on the site.

Another question was asked about the possibility speed bumps on Bernard St. and the halfway houses on Sharon St.

GA State Representative: Meesha Manor

No update.

Fulton Co. Commissioner: Khadijah Abdur-Rahman

No update.

5.  Upcoming Events.

  • Food Pantry and Clothes Closet

  • Praise on the Hill

Open Discussion

The Start:Me program was discussed and information was given on how to participate.  It is specifically targeted at small and medium business on the Westside of Atlanta, with a application deadline of October 5.  Traci S. also discussed developments at the City of Refuge.

Motion to adjourn was made by …. The motion was seconded by …. The meeting ended unopposed at 7:05 PM

In attendance:

Timothy Brown

Maya Teague

Lisa Parker

Adam Reid

Deborah Wright

Daisy Williams

Robert Williams

Christian Hicks

Bishop Samie Conyers

Vada Winn

Bobbie Jooks


Chris Falco

Michael Cooper

Alva Lovett

Traci Sims

Maureen Sanchez 



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