Delving into the archives from 1939-1993, September revealed milestones, malice, and meetings for the movement.
September 10, 1939- Hunter Hills Inc. advertises 75 beautiful homes have already been built and now owner occupied in Hunter Hills with 15 more houses under construction

September 19, 1952 – Hunter Hills resident, Mrs. Roberta Elder, was charged with the deaths of her husband Rev. William Elder and her step-daughter with arsenic in order to collect life insurance money. Nicknamed by police as the South’s Mrs. Blackbeard, Mrs. Elder was linked to 11 other unexpected deaths occurring in her family within a 14 year span.

September 27th, 1964 – Hunter Hill Baptist Church members marched from E.C. Clement Elementary auditorium (temporary home for church services after fire destroyed the church) to the newly constructed education building at 166 Edwards Street
September 15th, 1968 – Hunter Hill Baptist Church “Entrance and Dedication Day,” church edifice completed
September 2, 1969 – Mrs. Dorothy Coleman and Mrs. Billye Williams, co-chairs of NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner committee held a meeting at the Coleman residence located at 99 Burbank Drive at 8pm

September 18th, 1970 –Hunter Hill Baptist Church cornerstone erected
September 1993 – Before Historic Hunter Hills Neighborhood Association existed, there was the Hunter Hills Community Club. Mr. Luther Gray, Mr. Willie Clark, Mr. Alvin Harris, and Ms. Annie Marie Johnson were part of a group of folks who always talked about organizing a Hunter Hills community alumni group. Mr. Gray’s passing was the catalyst to bring Hunter Hills Community Club to fruition in 1993.